Pino de Trava de Dentes

Teeth Lock pin is an important part in the excavator woking process. Its function is firm the bucket teeth with the excavator bucket.Teeth Lock Pins available for Kobelco, TATA Hitachi, Volvo, Sany, Lagarta, XCMG, Kubota, Hyundai, E9805 E320 roda dentada&T-Komatsu, JCB etc. It applied to Bucket tooth& Adapter, used in Excavator, Digger, Wheel Loader, Skid Steer, Backhoe Loader, Scraper, escavadeira.

Rigoroso requisito de qualidade pedindo que a matéria-prima atenda a todos os padrões de aço 40cr ou 45cr. Com têmpera e revenimento em primeiro lugar, então faça tratamento na superfície, in order to make sure that it has enough of inside hardness and outside wear resistance.Through the polishing workmanship, fazendo com que a parte externa do pino de travamento dos dentes tenha uma aparência requintada e lisa, sem rebarbas. With good lubricated oil recycle system and longer lifetime 2000hours.Adopt advance machine to ensure that the size of the teeth Lock Pin to be made in the precise, para combinar bem com os dentes da caçamba.

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